Business research

Columns »Thakur-Wernz of W&L publishes article in Journal of Business Research» Washington and Lee University

Pooja Thakur-Wernz, assistant professor of business administration at the University of Washington and Lee, recently published an article in the Business Research Journal titled “Impact of a Stricter Intellectual Property Rights Regime on Innovation: Evidence from Indian Biopharmaceutical Companies De Alio Versus De Novo”.

The article is co-authored by Christian Wernz, senior data scientist in the Department of Health System Data Science at the University of Virginia.

Regarding what inspired the research for the article, Thakur-Wernz said: “India underwent a natural experience in the 1990s as the country moved from an intellectual property rights (IPR) regime. weak at a stronger regime under the TRIPS Agreement. [In this article,] I examine how companies created under the old IPR regime differ from companies created under the new regime in terms of innovation performance. “

At W&L, Professor Thakur-Wernz’s research focuses on the impact of strategic choices made by companies on their international expansion and their innovation-related activities. His industry focuses on the global biopharmaceutical industry, and his country focuses on India, his home country, which is one of the fastest growing emerging economies. His research has been published in many renowned strategic management and international affairs journals.

Professor Thakur-Wernz’s article is available for read and download on ScienceDirect.

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